ACHA30.ZIP 229072 04-21-95 ACHA 3.0. (pronounced Ah-Sha, portuguesefor 'find Lightning speed retrieval ofadhoc information. Stores any kind oftextual information, organizes it, andinstantly recalls it. Store names, numbers,www addresses, email
ADDRS_10.ZIP 359810 03-29-95 ADDRESS V1.0 ADDRESS is a easy to use, DOSbased database that records addresses phonenumbers, birthdays, and anniversaries forpersonal and business contacts. Printsenvelopes mailing labels, and a calendarCalculates ag
ALBM850.ZIP 388463 04-04-95 AlbumMaster 8.50 ASP Helping you Masteryour Album Library. There is no substitutefor the real thing! Max flexibility, 3 userdefined fields per title, UNLIMITED Tunesper side. Out puts to printer screen fileLabels, 3X5
BDEPRT.ZIP 171329 05-08-95 BDE Structure Printer provides a method toobtain a hard-copy report of a database'stable structure. Requires the BorlandDatabase Engine
CASM910.ZIP 397443 04-04-95 CassetteMaster 9.10 ASP Helping you Masteryour Cassette library.The BeZt tapecataloger on the market! Max flexibility,3user fields 2 U Boxes per title, up to 51lines of Tunes per side. Out puts toprinter screen file.
CATMAN12.ZIP 93405 05-09-95 CatMan-DO! V1.2 ASP A management tool tohelp you track files on diskette. Use Autoor Manual Bulk Load to build your databasequickly. Use File Finder to import textfiles like FILE_ID.DIZ. An open text areawhere librari
CDM860.ZIP 393978 04-04-95 CDMaster 8.60 ASP Helping you Master yourCD Library.It does what other catalogersonly dream of! Max flexibility (3 userdefined fields per title, 2 per tune, 2 UBoxes UNLIMITED Tunes per title. Outputs toprinter screen
CDSKA842.ZIP 418794 06-14-95 Disk Catalog System CATDISK v8.42 ASP (1 3From Rick Hillier. Excellent system to helpyou track and manage the files in your diskcollection. Easy to use with pull-downmenus, pop-up windows, online help andmouse support
CDSKB842.ZIP 204889 06-14-95 Disk Catalog System CATDISK V8.42 ASP (2 3From Rick Hillier. Bonus utilities automateoffloading files to floppies, eliminatingduplicate files redundant versions ofprograms, general file cleanup operationsand retrieval
CDSKC842.ZIP 395991 06-14-95 Disk Catalog System CATDISK V8.42 ASP (3 3From Rick Hillier. Easy to use installationprogram automates and simplifies theCATDISK installation process. The standardversion runs within the 640K DOSlimitations. The prote
CRYSTGT.ZIP 15775 05-11-95 Database component which allows programs toaccess crystal reports runtime functionsSource included
DBASE121.ZIP 1664416 05-10-95 DATABASE BROWSER v.1.21 ASP Full edit,query sorting and printing capabilities.MSAccess 1.1 (.MDB), dBASE III, dBASE IV,FoxPro 2.0 2.5 (.DBF),Paradox (.DB) andBtrieve (.DDF and .DAT) support. Recordsare displayed in a
DBFTS16I.ZIP 22070 06-29-95 DBFtest 1.16:check DBF files for errors Canperform 11 tests. VERY FAST
DFFM.ZIP 258494 06-19-95 DBFDirect converts ASCII data to and fromDBF format. (OAC, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $204)
DIALM73.ZIP 239113 06-30-95 DIALM v7.3 Phone Dialer w Call Timing, Logand More
DIRDB14I.ZIP 8936 06-29-95 Displays information about DBF files LikeDIR command in dBase III
DM32.ZIP 408281 06-19-95 DATA MASTER, v3.2 ASP Create, modify andsort standard dBase files, including memofields. Add, edit, find, and browse recordseasily. Report writer, form letter writer,mailing label printer, duplicate checker,spreadshee
DPERF20.ZIP 223848 05-16-95 dPerfect Merge v2.0 ASP Translates xBasedata base files (dBase III IV 5) to WordPerfect (4.2 5.x 6.x) secondary merge filesRecord and field selection, record sortingdata base browser, memo-field translationsubstitutio
DSKSCAN.ZIP 216813 04-29-95 DiskScan v3.2. Designed to keep a record ofthe contents of floppy disks in databaseformat on your harddisk. When you aretrying to locate a floppy, run Diskscan andlet it tell you which floppy to pull fromyour box
DT_801.ZIP 266767 04-05-95 DiscTrak System v8.01 Home EntertainmentCataloging Database program. This programcan organize all of your CDs, Cassettes,Albums LaserDiscs, and VCR Tapes easily.Search for any song title, Star, Directorand MUCH MORE L
DVER.ZIP 66479 07-13-95 dVERSION is a program that willconditionally translate xBASE code. Itallows the programmer to have many versionsof an application in one set of sourcecode. In addition, dVERSION offers anINCLUDE facility that can inse
DW4.ZIP 16984 07-13-95 The Data-Wire Four is a Foxpro proceduredesigned to allow an application to verifydatabases quickly and easily In essence,the programmer executes DW4, generating adata dictionary program. When executed,this program ve
EB98.ZIP 1269814 08-16-95 EASY BASE V9.8 Rapid Application DeveloperRAD) for data management. Easy Base is thefirst true RAD system to be available onshareware. Create sophisticated menu drivenapps in record time. Applications createdin Easy B
EQUIPDB.ZIP 336260 05-10-95 Photo Equipment Database. Tracks all ofyour photo related items
EXTRIT.ZIP 109045 07-14-95 Extract It v1.00 ASP Report Data ExtractorExtract It is a DOS based data reportextractor utility. It enables you toextract and export selected fields from anASCII report file to a standard ASCIIdelimited file. This fi
FE60.ZIP 660147 05-05-95 File Express 6.0 ASP Disk 1 of 2 Easy-touse, powerful database with extensivefeature set: searching, report writer togenerate reports in columnar or multi lineformat with headers, footers, totals, 3level subtotals lab
FE60DOC.ZIP 216448 04-11-95 File Express 6.0 ASP Disk 2 of 2 Easy-touse, powerful database with extensivefeature set: searching, report writer togenerate reports in columnar or multi lineformat with headers, footers, totals, 3level subtotals lab
FILE20.ZIP 235347 07-20-95 File a Friend version 2.00 A Databaseprogram to keep track of your Friends andBusiness Assosiates Addresses and PhoneNumber(s SHAREWARE
FILE_IT5.ZIP 87225 04-18-95 FILE-IT version 1.5 The purpose of FILE-IT,is to keep an inventory of all yourdiskettes that contain archive files likeZIP, LZH ARJ, ARC, etc. FILE-IT will helpyou locate programs or files that you havestored in your
FLOPYC12.ZIP 842613 06-12-95 Flopycat v1.2. Floppy disk cataloger
HOLDIT11.ZIP 134738 04-26-95 HOLD IT v.1.1 Database management systemthat will store records of just aboutanything. You give a name to each recordfield, you decide what to store The searchfacility allows you to find any record, thesort feature al
IASHARE.ZIP 175806 04-19-95 Instant Authority Share v2.2 DOS TSR POPupFast Data Retrieval Autotype Many featuresUsed by many large corperations around theworld, is good for businessman & programmerHelp file generation for DOS, programsUseful for
IDEX215.ZIP 726708 06-13-95 Infodex v2.15 ASP Multipurpose DatabaseInfodex is a versatile database managerused to keep track of names and addressesequipment, computer software, books, andmore! Includes a FREE-FORM layout. Adddelete, or rearrange
IDXUTIL7.ZIP 118800 07-05-95 IDX-Util v7.0 (06-01-95) PCB 15.21Utilities List files in IDX File usingwildcards. List Duplicate files in an .IDXFile. Also can cross-reference two .IDXfiles and list Dups or create a 3rd Indexcontaining Dups or you
INFOLINK.ZIP 45852 04-19-95 InfoLink allows you to store and retrieveany kind of information. You can organizeand link connected pieces of information.It can reference word processing documents,spreadsheet files and other programs andgroup relat
INFOMA21.ZIP 202707 05-18-95 INFOMANIA v2.1 ASP lets you store all yourtext files offline on floppy disks, yetwill find any word or combination in afraction of a second. Tells you which diskto insert before displaying the file. Read,copy edit, or
IP302.ZIP 448929 04-03-95 INFORMATION PLEASE v3.00 ASP A Free Formtextbase (database) for anyone who wants tostore textual information, such as productdescriptions, catalogs memos, descriptions,etc., then retreive, view or print by akeyword se
LLIST32.ZIP 197335 08-15-95 LITTLE LISTS 3.2 Rosemary West ASP Simpledatabase program. Create view, print,import, export DBF or comma-delimitedfiles. Add and Subtract math fields. Printlabels or columnar reports
LS352A.ZIP 419080 06-13-95 LSort 3.52 will sort and merge ASCII(straight text) dBase files. (Norm London)(Reg.Fee: $35)
MAL.ZIP 410986 07-20-95 The dMAIL4 System is a set of programsdesigned to record and track a simplemailing list database. Among the dMAIL4System features is the ability to run in aMulti-user environment. It can accesscustomer records by a va
MANAGE11.ZIP 573623 04-26-95 INFORMATION MANAGER v.1.1 Combines manyfeatures usually found in several separateprograms. ADDRESS DATABASE will help youkeep track of people and their addressesphones, faxes, etc.,BOOK DATABASE willmanage your book l
MASTER25.ZIP 436218 06-13-95 DATA MASTER v.2.5 is a free-form databasesystem that lets you store, retrieve, sortand print any kind of information quicklysimply and safely. Very fast Find optionwill search for string (word or wordsrelated to your
MCB11F.ZIP 128862 03-23-95 MCBASE V1.1F ASP Relational MusicCollection dataBase system MCBase is arelational database system for musiccollections, giving you full access to yourcollection, onscreen or on hardcopy MCBaseis an executable (Pascal)
MCD25B1.ZIP 304078 06-16-95 Music Collection Database 2.5b will catalogand index your music collection. (MSOFTDevelopment Systems) (Reg.Fee: $20)
MCD25B2.ZIP 165324 06-16-95 See MCD25B1.ZIP
MLF11.ZIP 262405 05-20-95 Mailing List Formmater v.1.1 Transforms acomma delimited mail list created by DDAPhoneDisc (c). Sort by name, city & stateor zipcode. Transform BUSINESS proper namesto first name, last name. Parse out orchange title t
MUFLE10A.ZIP 111841 06-28-95 MusicFile is a music collection databasefor use with Microsoft Access v2.0+. Youcan browse your collection in several waysutilize powerful search utilities; reports
MULCO501.ZIP 91219 03-19-95 MULTICOL.EXE (5.01): Program createsmultiple column listings from straightASCII text, ASCII-delimited text, or dBasefiles. Also does subtotalling headers, and
MYN25.ZIP 581501 04-06-95 M∙Y∙N v2.5 Database Utility! TONS offeatures, including: Appointment Book FormLetters, Labels, & more Shareware FullyFunctional Registrationonly...............$20.00
NB012.ZIP 340133 07-20-95 NoteBase 1.2 is a general database forstoring virtually any kind of data. You canrecord anything from a couple of words toentire scripts, source code modules, largetext files, executables, archives, images,etc. Inform
NDX304.ZIP 49432 04-20-95 NDX v 3.04 BTree indexing package. Writtenin C , with sources. Arbitrary data fileformat, fixed or variable length keys, ISAMaccess, and single node cache when morethan one index file is open
PHONES20.ZIP 201861 07-10-95 PHONES: Phone and Address Database SystemThis is version 2.0. $5.00 RegistrationNeed an easy way to keep up with your phonenumbers and addresses? Phones allows aneasy method of managing this information.Create your ow
RECAP51.ZIP 146207 08-15-95 RECAP v5.1. Rosemary West ASP Intelligentlycorrects capitalization in data files. Itcan be very frustrating to find that someof your database records have been enteredin all caps when you didn't want them thatway, or
RV2V101.ZIP 737856 04-22-95 RV2 v1.01 Hypergraphics database Flexibledatabase with unique guided searches. Plusintegral file viewers for text, bitmaps &plots. Plus easy-to-use powerful tools foradding annotation hotspots to any object.Great for
SAC.ZIP 865137 07-20-95 The Foxpro SAC System is a set of programsdesigned to record and track the SaguaroAstronomy Club Database. This databaseincludes deep-sky and double star objectsThis application can access records by avariety of indic
SCRLZ210.ZIP 268033 04-05-95 ScrollZ 2.10 ASP A great way to track allof your printed matter; be it MagazinesComics, Books, Graphic Novels, NewspapersANYTHING! Input screens designed withspecific needs in mind. Even a NoteZsection for recording y
SFILE22.ZIP 228683 04-05-95 SIMPLI FILE v2.2 Create database files tosimplify data storage and retrieval Use forinventory,price lists,customertracking,investments,mailing lists etcEdit,input,delete,search,browse,display orprint using filters,cal
SFOLDER1.ZIP 35430 07-30-95 StartManager Folder 1.0 is an easy to setupand use database Uses a DOS Graphicalinterface GUI). This simple database looksand feels great. Perfect for small businessor personal use
SHL.ZIP 372357 07-20-95 The Shell System is an application thatwill allow the user to launch selected andpassword protected Foxpro applications.Passwords may be by user or application.ASP approved Note: This is a Foxproapplication and requir
SOUNDZ4.ZIP 448849 04-05-95 SoundZ 4.00 ASP The ULTIMATE audiolibrarian handles tapes, CDs, 45s,LPs,78sreels AND MORE! UNLIMITED tunes per sidestandard header info PLUS a text file foreach title of up to 5000 lines. Printslists, catalogs, insert
TREKLIB.ZIP 142039 04-24-95 The Star Trek Video Library allows you totrack that Star Trek TV show collectionyou've been accumulating. Includes supportfor all current series', from the OriginalSeries to Voyager. Also supports VHSLaserdisc, and Di
UKEYD1.ZIP 166786 05-15-95 TUniKey is a Delphi component for managingunique keys in a multi-user databaseenvironment. It manages any number ofdifferent keys such as employee id, invoiceid, customer id part number, etc. Bydefault, a key value is
VIDEOS.ZIP 54580 05-16-95 Bob's Movie Database is a database fortracking up to 2350 movies, depending onhow much free base memory you have. Thisshould be more than enough for most people(Bozo Bob) (Reg.Fee: $O
VIDM900.ZIP 390669 04-04-95 VideoMaster 9.00 ASP Video cataloginglabeling system that has the MOSTflexibility for users. Standard entries, 3user defined named fields, plus a Synopsisof up to 5000 lines. 5 label styles sizes.Prints catalogs lists
WORK43.ZIP 214898 06-13-95 WORKBASE v4.3. Rosemary West ASP Xbasedevelopers: WORKBASE provides aninteractive environment for over 200commands and functions, including some thatmay be new to you. Create a DBF; append,edit and browse records; res